Heena In The Wonderland

About Me

Heena Ganotra

I’m a digital marketer (Content Team Lead) by day, a book & travel blogger by night, and a dreamer always. No matter what, where, and when, you’ll find my fascination to savour life’s little moments prevalent in my actions.

I am someone who loves romanticising my life which is majorly about books, cute stationery, giant flower-laden trees, raw places tucked in calmness, devouring road-side chaat-papdi, hearty laughs, & belief in magic.

The QUOTE That Describes Me Best-

“I want to live simply. I want to sit by the window when it rains and read books I’ll never be tested on. I want to paint because I want to, not because I’ve got something to prove. I want to listen to my body, fall asleep when the moon is high and wake up slowly, with no place to rush off to. I want not to be governed by money or clocks or any of the artificial restraints that humanity imposes on itself. I just want to be – boundless and infinite.”

 Even though I’ve achieved the first half of it, I’ve promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep in peace. This will happen after I accomplish the other half. I don’t know when it will happen, but I know it will happen. One day. Some day!

That's The Question.

They say, “Take the first step, and the path will appear.”

I have taken many, and I might be a little lost, but I know the path will appear. Or so I hope. 🙂

Meanwhile, I plan to keep wandering the world, narrating one story at a time; until I become one. 

And this blog will help me document my struggles, learnings, and everything in between.

About My Dream | Heena In The Wonderland

HeenaInTheWonderland is a work of heart that I’d do every bit to convert into a work of art. It’s a fragment of my soul’s deepest desire as my entire existence resonates with reading, writing, and travelling.

Since I’m all about enjoying slow, quiet moments in the fiercely fast-paced life, you can take this space as your relaxing ground. Reading enthusiasts can find meaningful book recommendations, travelling enthusiasts can discover new places, and the remaining lot can take a moment to dive into my musings.

I plan on making this place interactive and comfortable so people can visit it often – at times with coffee/tea in hand; other times with suggestions and different perspectives.

What I Do For A Living & For Community | Ethics Statement

I breathe content that includes analysing, strategising, assigning, editing, proofreading, and writing.

1. Writing For Various Niches

Creative & SEO-Based Content Written For -

I don’t take Travel Projects since I save my skills & strategies for the organisation I work at. 

2. Book Curating/Editing/Reviewing

I’m open to promoting your book on my blog. It’ll be a pleasure, truly! All you’ll have to do is share a copy.

3. Conducting Writing Sessions

During the glorious days of The Anonymous Writer, I had the opportunity to take creative writing sessions in Thapar Institute (twice), Chitkara via Plapp (twice), IIITDM Jabalpur, IIM Udaipur, & DAIICT Gandhinagar. 

If life gives me another chance, I’d love to conduct a writing session again.

4. Sharing Grammar Insights

I started an Insta Page – LearnwithHeena – that aims to help budding writers, one post at a time. I haven’t posted anything on it for over a year now but I plan to revive it. And soon. So you can follow the account if you feel it’s worthy based on the previous posts. 

You can also share your suggestions regarding what I should cover to make the page more informative.