Heena In The Wonderland

“I Want To Be A Witch, Mumma” – Witch Stories For Kids

A girl named Heena is wearing a black dress with black lip colour with a black-coloured book. The picture has the title "I want to be a witch" as Heena had a written a story on the same.

If I ask which stories spark unparalleled enthusiasm, it’ll be witch stories, especially for kids. Noticed the pun? Thanks. 😛

Now, as a lit major, I’ve devoured mountains and mountains of feminist theory. We deconstructed fairytales, questioned damsels in distress, and analysed the power dynamics of happily ever afters. It was empowering, mind-blowing stuff.

That’s when I deconstructed another side of the witch narrative for kids. I discovered that it’s not always about stepmothers and poisoned apples. It can also be about strong, independent women who brew up possibilities and use their magic to make the world a brighter place.

If you’re ready to hear one of the witch stories I penned in 2019 (titled “I want to be a witch, Mumma”), I’d recommend you grab your broomsticks, metaphorical or otherwise so we can get started! ✨

I Want To Be A Witch, Mumma ✨

One of the most Inspiring Witch Stories for Kids

“Witches are wicked women, Mumma. The one who captivated Rapunzel and cut off her golden locks was a witch too.”

Quirina was taking baby steps into the world of fairytales and she was mesmerised by all that the stories had to offer.

W for Witch, W for Wicked, W for Women

W for witch, W for wicked, W for women. Same initials, Mumma,” she paused and cupped her mouth in amazement, having discovered something precious.

“Yes, darling. We’ve got a word for that. Alliteration,” I smiled, proud to see her noticing things.

“Alliteration,” she repeated and the moment she did, echoes of assignments, made years back as a literature student, breaking ideological hegemonies, engulfed me.

“Quirina,” I called, unsure whether she’d understand what I had in store for her. Nonetheless, I continued, “My child, witches being bad was a concept that was thrust down our throats by insecure men. Women who tried to break rules, say, by playing a sport which men thought only they could play, or those who rebelled against society for being unfair to them, or those who questioned the superiority of men over women were all given the name ‘witch’. Witches weren’t wicked, dear. They were powerful and because men have always feared powerful women, they maligned their image.”

Her blank expression almost instantly made me realise my folly.

Perhaps she was too young to understand the nuances of the word. Perhaps it was too early to explain to her the things that I learnt at a later stage myself. Brushing the matter under the carpet was the best I could do.

But just when I was about to…

“Oh my, Mumma,” she whispered, her mouth agape, “You know, Miss Ryana told us the opposite of witch is a wizard and while almost every boy in the class wanted to be a wizard, none wanted to be a witch. You know what it means, Mumma?”

I shook my head in confusion and her words took flight, “Oh ho, silly. Chances are that men knew women were ahead of them in every aspect but they couldn’t take it, so they glorified themselves by shaming women. That’s the reason they linked positivity with their names but degraded the feminine version. You get the point, Mumma?”

“Aha!” I giggled, confused at who was whose Mumma at the moment.

“You know, I always feel bad when Summer takes pride in being called ‘Son’ by her father. I mean, why? Girls not taking pride in being called girls is that fancy word Caroline Aunty keeps saying.”


“Yes, that. Again, it’s as if the word ‘boy’ is adorned with glitter while the word ‘girl’ is wrapped in rags. But Mumma, I am proud to be a girl,” she beamed and in the very next moment questioned…

“Were witches proud of who they were too?”

Exactly when she started pondering over such matters was a mystery to me. But I was impressed.

“Very,” I told her, combing her hair with my fingers in admiration.

“Witches were proud of their rebellious and fierce nature. They were just what your name depicts – W for Warriors. They were fighters who did things women were not allowed to.”

She smiled and almost instantly lost herself in her train of thought. Moments passed but she was still struggling; struggling to find a way out of the labyrinth of questions that her mind was weaving.

“Um, I can hel…”

“I want to be a witch, Mumma!”

She blurted before I could even ask her to seek my help. There was a fire in her eyes and with that same fire in her words, she stated, “I will punch whoever wouldn’t let me play football, saying it is not meant for girls right in the face. I will question every wrong, every unfair act. I will fight just like witches did, Mumma. 100%. I will. Besides,” she continued, “if Rapunzel would’ve really hated that witch, she’d have cut her long locks and climbed down just the way the witch used to climb up. But she didn’t. There’s got to be a reason behind it. I asked Miss Ryana but she shushed me. I think the witch was trying to protect Rapunzel. What do you think, Mumma?”

I clapped, still in awe of what this kid’s mind was capable of.

“Okay, then. I am going to be a witch. Final.”

A scene wherein her teachers want Quirina to be the princess, but she crying her eyes out to be the witch ran before my eyes. I giggled.

*HaHa Moment*

I had smiled to myself thinking about it ten years back. And I am smiling to myself now, looking at the freshly brewed copy of her first book at its launch, titled –

‘I Want To Be A Witch. A Retelling of Fairytales for Rebel Girls.’

Amidst all the voices that surround Quirina, one that catches my attention is a deep voice which asks, “What is the book exactly about? And isn’t the title a bit strange?”

“It’s about the witches who were never wicked, only wild; who carried rebellious ideas in the creases of their palms; who had Feminism as their mother tongue and used it to burn male egos. Factually, it has been concluded that witches did exactly what feminists do now, be it talking about masturbation or doing it. Why do we see them in a negative light has always been my question. This book is an attempt to break the stigma. I hope it is able to,” she answers.

“And oh,” she adds, “about the second part, I had always wanted to justify the word ‘Queer’ in my name, the job is now done,” she winks, flipping her hair.


Would you be interested to read more stories that are not just witch stories? Here’s a short story about life that I believe you’ll find quite charming. 🙂

Something right from the bottom of my heart: Your willingness to lend an ear to my stories means the world to me, and it would truly warm my heart if you could take a moment to join me in this delightful adventure. 😊

You can share what you feel about this and the other witch stories you know in particular. I’d love to hear them out.

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